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Your Lifetime Partner for Innovation & Growth

Mission & Philosophy

기업과 개인의 잠재력 개발을 통해 혁신과 성장을 돕는다

Insightful Perspective Coaching

인사이트, 코칭을 통한 관점 변화 유도
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    Broad Perspectives, Deep Insights

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    Change Perspective

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    Perspective Taking Ability

“Sow a thought and you reap an action.
Sow an action and you reap an habit.
Sow a habit and you reap a character.
Sow a character and you reap an destiny.” - 윌리엄 제임스 -


Head Fake Learning

즐겁고 흥미 있는 몰입을 통한 배움
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    Humor and Funny

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“The best way to teach somebody
something is to have them think they’re
learning something else. I’ve done it my
whole career. And the head fake here is
that they’re learning to program but they
just think they’re making movies and video
games. And these kinds of head fake
learning are absolutely important.” – 랜디 포쉬 -


Simulation Practice

실무 중심의 실용적 교육
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    Data Simulation Practice

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    Hands-on Training

“I fear not the man who has practices
10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who
has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
Practice makes perfect. After a long time of
practicing, our work will become natural,
skillful, swift, and steady.” - 브루스 리-

QPS 브레인 교육 개념

QPS 브레인 교육 특장점

Ⅰ. 교육 집중도

  • 시각적 교육 교보재
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      이미지 등 직관적인 교육 자료

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      동영상 활용

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      자가 진단지를 통한 진단

  • 흥미 유발
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      Gamification 방식 진행

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      교육 실습 결과에 따른 보상

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Ⅱ. 교육 참여도

  • 적극적인 참여 유도
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      시뮬레이션 방식

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      이론과 실습의 조화

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      조별 토론 및 토의

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      롤 플레잉 방식

  • Facilitation 방식 진행
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      발표 및 참여 유도

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      질문 및 대답 촉진

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      실습과정에 대한 피드백 제공

Ⅲ. 교육 활용도

  • 실무 문제 중심 실습 구성
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      구체적인 문제해결 상황 제시

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      개선 방법론 실습

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      실무/사례 중심 해결 방안 도출을 통한 실무 적용력 강화

  • Case Study
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      Data 제공을 통한 문제 풀이

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      Case 해결을 통한 방법론 습득

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      사례 실습을 통한 공감 강화